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Ms. Harsimar

This week’s #MeetTISB features Ms. Harsimar from the Psychology Department- She is also one of our student counsellors.

It is with great joy that we inform the community that Ms. Harsimar is participating in the Mrs. India 2023 pageant and is currently one of the Top 10 finalists. We wish her all the best in this exciting journey.

She joined TISB in 2022 and is about to complete her first year in July. She says she is grateful to be part of a community like TISB which is highly academic focused and gives you ample opportunities to grow. She has done her M.Sc. in Psychology from Nottingham University, UK. She is passionate about books, dance and art and is a proud mother of 2 lovely children.

We asked her about her experience about the pageant.

“Being a shy and an introvert person, a thing like beauty pageant – Mrs. India, had never been on my mind. But when this chance came across, I took it as an opportunity and a platform for my experiential learning and to overcome my fears. I won titles for Mrs. Bangalore then Mrs. Karnataka and now I am in the top 10 National finalists for Mrs. India 2023, which is due in June. I believe that it's possible to achieve an impossible dream if you work sincerely and hard for it.

Quick QA (Answer at least 5-6 please)

What is your favorite song at the moment

You might think I am from a stone age! But my favorite song is ‘Jaane woh kaise log the’ – Guru Dutt – 1957 !

Which silly subject would you introduce to schools? Why?

Well, I would like to introduce and rather make it compulsory- ‘Moral Science or Life skills’ subject throughout the grades. I firmly believe that getting immense knowledge is not enough. Ingraining sensitivity, showing respect to others and becoming a good human being is extremely important.

Tell us an interesting/quirky fact about you

With a lot of confidence, I stand up at the podium giving you all those counseling sessions. Thank God whosoever invented podium! No one gets to see my trembling legs behind it.

Which is your favorite spot-on campus

Portico – it has the best breeze passing by.

What was your first job?

While doing my MSc in UK, I was working as a part time to earn a little pocket money. Working at a stadium- making burgers and selling it at the counter was my first job. Well earning 50 Pounds a week as a student isn’t that bad!

What one piece of advice would you give to your students?

Leaders are born out of ordinary people like you and me. Dare to dream the most impossible dream, then work hard for it. Prepare yourself that will fail multiple times, but rise and start again, you will succeed one day for sure!

Thank you Ms. Harsimar!

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